How to Get a Lawyer to Make a Will: Step-by-Step Guide

Lawyers don`t just fight in court; they can also help you take care of some of your most important legal matters without having to enter a courtroom. It All begins with the creation of a will. Sure, you could do it yourself, but having a lawyer help you can ensure that it gets done properly and that it stands up to the scrutiny by the court when the time comes to fulfill your wish. In this blog post, we`ll be providing you with a step-by-step guide of what you need to do to get your lawyer on board and have them help you make a will. So, let`s get started!

Quick Clarification

You can find lawyers who specialize in wills and estate planning by searching online or through your local bar association. You should also look for experience and reviews when choosing a lawyer that is best suited to helping you make your will.

Why It`s Essential to Get a Lawyer to Make Your Will

It is vital to get a Boston Medicaid attorney to make your will, regardless of how simple or straightforward it may seem. Writing your own will, and not getting a lawyer involved, can lead to costly legal problems down the line. With a qualified lawyer, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your will follows all the rules, regulations, and statutes required by your state. A lawyer who specializes in estate planning can even provide specific advice on how to best structure your will and provide guidance around lifestyle protection, gifting and other aspects that are important to you.

On the other hand, while there are benefits to engaging a lawyer when creating your will, there is some merit to the argument that it is an added expense that isn`t always necessary. While a qualified lawyer bounds them with professional standards of practice, any individual can do a solid job if they`re willing to put in the time and research into drafting their own will. That being said, it’s also important for individuals to remember that if something is unclear and questions arise later, there`s no one accountable – no one is legally responsible for an incorrect self-drafting of a will.

By taking the time to ensure that you get a qualified lawyer involved in making your will and estate plan, you’ll have definitive answers about what happens after you pass away. With this knowledge in hand, you can move forward with confidence and work towards making sure the legacy you leave behind is what you envisioned within the bounds of legality.

Assuming proper legal counsel has been taken care of then understanding the legal requirements associated with writing a valid Will is essential in ensuring your wishes are carried out after passing.

  • According to the American Bar Association, the average cost for legal services related to creating a will or living trust is approximately $1,000.
  • According to ZocDoc, over 57% of Americans do not have a will in place.
  • A 2019 survey by Avvo concluded that over 16% of Americans overestimate the average cost of creating a will or living trust by 50%, with most survey respondents believing the cost was between $2,500 and $4,000.

Understanding the Legal Requirements

Having an experienced lawyer develop a will is essential, as it ensures that all legal requirements are met for a legally binding document. Each state has their own laws setting out what elements are necessary for a valid will. For instance, many states require two witnesses to be present when the testator signs the will. Additionally, if the testator wishes to create trust, there may be more stringent requirements.

Because of this legal complexity, consulting an attorney who is knowledgeable about estate law is key. A lawyer can make sure that the will meets all legal requirements and contains language that is enforceable in court. If not drafted correctly, a court might find that the document is invalid and reject it altogether.

Therefore, while a layperson certainly has the ability to draft his or her own will using pre-designed software or forms from an office supply store – or even write it out entirely by hand – there really isn’t any substitute for having a qualified estate attorney develop and review your will to ensure compliance with all applicable laws. This way, you can have peace of mind that your wishes will be carried out properly after death.

In order to make sure that you get the proper assistance for developing your will, it`s important to understand how to find a reputable estate attorney – which we`ll discuss in further detail in the following section.

How to Find a Reputable Estate Attorney

Once you have a better understanding of the legal requirements for creating a will, it’s time to focus on finding a reliable and reputable estate attorney. You may already have a lawyer that you trust or you could survey your family, friends, and colleagues to find one that they would recommend. No matter what route you take, it is important to do your research and vet potential options before you finalize your choice. Make sure that the lawyer is licensed to practice in the state in which you live, and check out their credentials and reputation. Be sure to read online reviews from past clients, and if possible, ask for referrals.

In the end, your decision should be based on trustworthiness, familiarity with the local laws (as these vary from state to state), and an established track record of successful legal expertise. It is also wise to look into any fees that a prospective lawyer may charge as well as what services are included in their standard contract. Knowing all of this information will help put you at ease during the process of allowing an estate attorney to create a will on your behalf.

By taking the time to identify a reliable and reputably estate attorney, you can move forward with the confidence knowing that your wishes regarding property distribution and other aspects of your estate will be carried out with care. Furthermore, there are some distinct benefits to working closely with a professional lawyer dedicated to drafting wills–which we will explore next.

Benefits of Working With an Attorney

The benefits of working with an estate attorney often outweigh the cost. Having professional legal counsel helps ensure all the legal requirements for a valid will are met and that beneficiaries and heirs receive what they are legally entitled to. Estate attorneys can suggest strategies to reduce succession tax or other forms of taxation, as well as help families avoid potential issues stemming from inadequate estate planning in the future. Additionally, an attorney’s expertise can aid in identifying measures that protect your privacy and assets; for example, setting up a trust for some inheritance payments or creating a living will to protect vulnerable family members.

On the other hand, it is not always necessary to work with a lawyer when making a will. Some individuals feel confident in their ability to create their own wills using templates. However, this is not recommended since private documents sometimes fail to account for state-specific laws and regulations that must be met in order for them to be valid and enforceable.

Choosing whether or not to hire an estate attorney is ultimately up to you; although, doing so could help provide peace of mind by minimizing risks associated with do-it-yourself efforts. With that being said, once you have chosen (or confirmed) an estate attorney, the next step is arranging for proper document preparation and execution.

Making Arrangements for Documents Preparation & Execution

When it comes to making arrangements for documents preparation and execution, the opinion is divided. On one hand, having a lawyer draw up your will can be beneficial in that you receive expert advice regarding how to transact certain items, how to make legally binding contracts, and how to structure the document in a longer-term outlook. On the other hand, such services can come with expensive legal fees.

Regardless of your personal views on the matter, if you intend to make a valid will it must be prepared with certain conventions in mind and duly executed according to various practices and protocols. A lawyer or professional document processor is best suited to ensure that this happens correctly and efficiently. This may involve notarizing documents and/or witnessing signatures from third-party individuals.

To ensure your wishes are respected in the event of death or other unforeseen circumstances, put in the effort beforehand to get everything in writing and rightfully executed. Having a lawyer help you take care of these things can provide peace of mind that should something happen unexpectedly the appropriate parties know what decisions have already been made per your precise instructions.
