How to Effectively Drive in Snow

The winter driving conditions pose challenges for even the most experienced drivers. Snow and ice often lead to slippery driving conditions that push our driving skills to the limit. Learning to drive properly in these conditions can mean the difference between an accident and getting to your destination safely. You must ride in the conditions and take some basic measures to keep your safety and the safety of others on the road. Here are some driving in snow tips to keep in mind.

Keep a safe distance

Stopping on snow and ice takes longer than on dry roads. Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you. Allow at least 4-6 seconds between you and other vehicles so that you can stop in time if necessary.

Adapt your driving speed to the road conditions

Note that the published speed limit is the maximum speed you can drive in ideal conditions. It is advisable to drive slower than the specified speed in winter, as the road conditions are always fraught with uncertainties. Ice and snow can be in one area but not in another. Driving at lower speeds gives you more time to respond in an emergency.

Check your oil level

Always check the oil level and do everything possible to ensure that your driving experience is not affected by the vehicle`s mechanics. So if you drive extra carefully, brake long before you stop, and be very aware of the cars around you, you have a much better chance of driving safely in a world prepared for winter. Starting slowly on snow and ice gives you more traction. As you slow down, think about the future. Gradually apply the brakes. Instead of suddenly braking put pressure on slowly, so you don`t get out of control.

Watch out for the black ice

Black ice can form anywhere on the road, especially in shady areas, bridges, and viaducts. These areas tend to freeze faster, creating a thin layer of ice on the asphalt that is often invisible to motorists. By being aware of your surroundings and areas where black ice can form, you can avoid losing control in those areas by surprise.


If you have never skied in the snow before, you must obtain the necessary information before trying it out. There are some things that you can`t learn on your right now. Many websites and city councils are great resources for the kind of information you need to get started. We also do our best to give you tips for your safety in winter.
