How Cosmetic Dentists Can Improve Your Teeth’s Appearance

Cosmetic Dentistry is a modern method of professional oral care that focuses on improving the appearance of your teeth.

Cosmetic dentistry can help improve the appearance of your smile, regardless of whether you have discolored or missing teeth, chipped or damaged teeth, or uneven gums.

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can have a serious impact on your overall oral health. This can cause problems such as shifting remaining teeth, bone loss, difficulty speaking and chewing, and other issues.

Cosmetic dentists offer a variety of replacement tooth options, including dental implants and dentures. These treatments can improve the appearance of your smile and provide a natural-looking replacement for missing teeth.

Implants are the best way to replace missing teeth. They are small, metal rods that are inserted into the jawbone and gum.

These implants and bone tissue will eventually fuse, creating a new tooth in your mouth. Then, your dentist can attach a crown, bridge, or denture to the top of the implant to create a beautiful, natural-looking smile.

Chipped Teeth

The enamel surrounding your teeth is relatively tough, but traumatic injuries and lifestyle factors that break down the protective coating can lead to cracks and chips in your teeth. These chips can be aesthetically unappealing, but they can also accelerate tooth decay or cause infections in the root.

If you have noticed a chip in your tooth, consult your cosmetic dentist immediately. Minor chips can be repaired with a simple procedure called reshaping, which requires only one office visit.

For more extensive chips, your dentist will probably use a white bonded filling or a porcelain veneer to restore your tooth`s appearance. If the chip extends into the pulp chamber or roots, your dentist may recommend a root canal and crown.

If the tooth enamel is exposed, a chipped tooth can cause pain. The dentin is home to numerous microscopic tubules that lead to the pulp chamber, where blood vessels and nerves are located.

Discolored Teeth

Cosmetic dentists can treat a variety of tooth discolorations and help patients look younger. You can have your smile improved by having porcelain veneers, crowns or dental bonding made to correct any crooked, chipped, or worn teeth.

One of the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures is teeth whitening. To remove stains from the teeth`s surface, they use peroxide-based gels.

Extrinsic staining forms on the outer surface of teeth after exposure to dark food and drinks. Intrinsic stains can penetrate the inner layers of the teeth and are more severe.

Teeth stains can be caused by many factors including genetics, smoking and diet. It is important to consult with your dentist about the cause of the stains before choosing a treatment option.

Cracked Teeth

Cracked teeth can be caused by a variety of factors, including grinding your teeth nightly or chewing hard foods. Taking preventative measures and avoiding these habits can help you avoid cracked teeth.

The American Dental Association recommends regular checkups to detect any cracks before they become large and cause pain and discomfort. Whether the crack is hairline or more extensive, there are several treatment options available to fix your tooth.

Your dentist will inspect the tooth and recommend the best treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment can mean the difference between a crown, root canal, or extraction.

A crown or filling may be necessary to repair a small crack. When a tooth is damaged beyond this point, a dentist will recommend a root canal to clean out the nerve and pulp inside it. This can save your tooth and keep it from getting infected.
